You aren't wrong about the world going nuts in the last 50 years.
But is school prayer the reason?
Or just a symptom?

If the world was so "right" and everyone so devout, prayer wouldn't have
been taken out. Heck, we would have become a secular country.

People that keep running the prayer in school mantra up the flagpole
need to quit with the faux piety, and think this through.

I personally would endorse prayer in school. Mandatory classes.

If I, Me, and Myself could pick the presenter and curriculum.

And there we go, we got a problem.

The United States has this thing called a Constitution.
The dudes who wrote it couldn't agree to enact it.
Untill they made some changes. Ammendments.
10 of them Amendments.

The very first thing addressed in the first amendment is freedom of religion.

Freedom to chose to be religious or not.
Freedom to choose which religon, and how to observe it.

So, what do we do when at prayer the teacher is
A Whikken
Druid, to name a few?

Or even,
Jahovas Whitness
Seventh Day Adventist
Catholic (Roman, Greek, Russian?)
All Christians who don't agree much!

Then we have people who make a religon of denying religon.

who DGAS!,

As Americans we allow that freedom. So they will be the ones
teaching rreligon to our kids In sanctioned classes. That's worse than
what We have now.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!