Originally Posted by OldHat
Originally Posted by slumlord
Start building a .xls spreadsheet of passwords, log in, mock up emails

You can't just mock up an email.

Random generated email sites on the web.

It's what all the Liberal Socialist Democrat sockpuppet trolls use to make accounts on here.
Once you confirm your membership on here thru it, after setting up your account thru it
No longer needed.
No need to change your password either on any username you set up

It's called Burner email account.

It's why the Liberal Socialist Democrat trolls come here cause they can...
Then ya get people like JeffO and Masar with dozens of sock puppets reducing and multiscreening mutliple online persona,s all bouncing off each other for cred.
Your bud Happy Camper is a example of a sockpuppet troll multiscreening other puppets at the same time also.

I have laid it out numerous times how their is 0 QC to register on here.

Laid it all out with the TomBrown sockpuppet account I set up last summer when BobBrown showed up.
Bin nuked it when I said it was me and that it was my intent explaining it all about 0 QC to register on this place.

He nuked my other Sockpuppet Wittman about 4 or 5 yrs ago.
WW2 Tiger Tank commander.
After Gus of all people nailed me.

Bin wants me Renegade50 uncut cause I bring in Benjamins, controversy, and the pain cave....
It's soooo pretty..

How many times some of you seen the most fugged pics I have put up on here and "get away" with it and they dont get ghosted, when others try the same thing and poof!!!! Gone........
Caspered pic....


If some of you retards on here only knew what was spoken and communicated between certain people circa 2012.
You would punch yourselves in your pecker repeatedly until you pass out while clicking your ruby red slippers together.


Last edited by renegade50; 10/26/21. Reason: Unfuggingtouchable....