Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Raferman simply can't get ghey sex with flave off his mind. LOL

Why do all of your posts refer to “ghey” sex?

Oh, never mind, I get it now.

Oh and BTW, you are not “ghey” you are a queer, or a faqqot, calling yourself “ghey” is so gay.
You sure know a lot of alternate words for describing your sexually deviant behavior. LOL .. Obviously you're a fuucking moron.


Projecting again are we.


refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don't like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. A common example is a cheating spouse who suspects their partner is being unfaithful.
So you're saying your boyfriend cheated on you ? You mentioned more words for describing a sexually deviant male in one post than I have in all of mine combined. Gotta be something to that. LOL. Fuucking moron.