Originally Posted by mathman
That doesn't sound like a very demanding math class.

Not everyone in the class got their work done in class, there was a small group of us, most ranked grades-wise in the top 10 out of a class of a little over 600. I was one of those, but couldn't do the work now. If you don't use it you forget it, and that was 50 years ago. We used slide rules and tables in the back of the math books for certain calculations.

Whether it was demanding or not I have no comparison. I do know that college math was certainly a challenge for me!

In my profession we used both qualitative and qualitative analysis to help reach conclusions and make recommendations. Our office had a PhD methodologist to help guide and review our work. I found that aspect fascinating, i.e. determining causation and the use of statistics in our work.

No, I am not a math expert, far from it. I was more the big picture guy at work, and very fortunate to have highly knowledgeable educated and real world experienced team members to keep me out trouble!

Yeah, a long response for a short comment, but an old man likes to sometimes reminisce about the good old days at work.

Old guy, old guns.