Originally Posted by 3584ELK
Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by 3584ELK
If true, it would be the biggest mistake for the RNC ever. Trump has soiled the nest for far too many conservative voters. While I like his policies, running for re-election would be an embarrassment to him and his family. He should support and campaign for a VIABLE candidate such as DeSantis.

Desantis would be OK. But he won’t be able to pull in the crowds and votes like Trump will.

Did his “mean tweets” offend you ???

Ha! you should read carefully before you vomit the diarrhea you enjoy spreading.

Mr. Trump's tweets never bothered me, I thought they were quite good.

Let's try short words and sentences, see if that works for you:

Donald J. Trump is OLD.

He doesn't need the stress of a 2nd run.

It is very hard on his family

He is smart, but lots of folks don't like his rudeness (oops, big word!).

I doubt Melania will tolerate it again.

The GOP needs a breath of fresh air.

Clear enough for you?

So just when did Trump let you start making his decisions as to whether he needs the stress of a 2nd term? His age is a problem for you. Did he let you know it is for him? You are siting almost everything based off an opinion that is not based on 100% facts. The fresh air the gop needs was provided when Trump was in office and they told us to stick it. If Trump runs again will you refrain from voting for him?