Most people do the right thing. Watching the news idiot boxes all day (tv/net) can make someone think the world is falling apart. When in reality, most of us are very blessed and should be thankful.

Yes, macro things bother me a lot. But I always keep it in perspective. Very few people actually did me wrong in life. I also live in a place where a neighbor would be here in 5 minutes if I needed them.

Becoming cynical in America is more of an artifact of the person being it, vs the environment around them.

Always remain optimistic. Work and give efforts towards a better tomorrow. One of the main goals of the Statists is to get people to hate each other. It’s makes their job easier in destroying the country.

"...aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one." - Paul to the church in Thessalonica.