Teal: I have been a B-52 "super-fan" since the first time I went with my family to watch one take off from Boeing Field (south Seattle) back in 1952.
We were banned from having cameras or taking pictures of them but I will never forget the roar and the smoke (they were very "smokey" back then - I don't know why?) as they took off.
I was born and raised just over the small ridge from where the B-52's were made and first flown from.
I was 7 years old when they first flew. I always ran out of my house when I would hear the distinctive sound of the B-52's taking off and watch them in awe.
Decades later we found out why we could NOT photograph them initially - the "wheel trucks" (landing gear) could "angle" at up to 17 degrees to keep the wings directly into the wind when taking off - thus providing more lift less drag. And the military folks did not want the "rooskies" to have that knowledge/technology.
Long live the B-52 - and the Boeing Company a fine American outfit!
Hold into the wind