Dang, I just bought a 10mm Dan Wesson Bruin. That is a serious battle rifle and I love the ping. In 1965 prior to shipping out to the Tonkin Gulf I was in boot camp in San Diego. We were shooting at 200 yards and luckily the rifle was zeroed for my eyes before I picked it up. I lucked out and hit the bullseye on the first shot. Came in second out of about 500 guys. Had to shoot to clips at rapid fire because target setter screwed up resetting my target and I was running out of time.

Guy that beat me was NRA trained and sought me out for a handshake and said "good shooting".

My Dad and four uncles carried that rifle into battle in Germany, Italy and the Philippines where Uncle LeRoy was killed.

Anyway, I hijacked another thread. Some one buy this rifle, I am so tempted......