I feel bad for him. He's been through more than anyone should have to go through and none of it was his fault. It wasn't the gun's fault either. He has a lot of sorting out to do. Still it all comes back to the fact; he did nothing to deserve the assault he was forced to defend himself from. Those men meant to do him great bodily harm if not kill him and he had every right to defend himself.
You cannot go back and undo what's been done but you can try to live with the fact that you did everything in your power to protect yourself and others when the time came. Unfortunately it's probably going to take a government that is willing to actually protect it's citizens instead of allowing them to go suffer the mayhem that anarchist Marxist groups dish out before things get better.

Where are the good citizens when the Mob's come to destroy their property and kill and maim them? Why isn't there a majority of citizens standing in front of the Governor and Mayor's face demanding them to do their duty? Trouble is; we get the government we vote for or in the case of the last election; the government we are given through Criminal Activity. That's another story that hasn't come close to being resolved yet. Where Is America?