Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Gentle on My Mind is one of my favorite songs.

''Through cupped hands, round a tin can
I pretend to hold you to my breast and find
That you're waiting on the backroads, by the rivers of my memory
Ever smiling, ever gentle on my mind.''

It is a song about hopping freight trains, and thinking about the girl you left behind. I have hopped a lot of freight trains. Love this song.
I have been there and done that a dozen times, sitting by a campfire near the railroad tracks, drinking a up of coffee and thinking of my girlfriend back home.

There is what I think is a great trend toward re-evaluating old musicians. Ringo -for example- now everyone thinks he is great. Was not the case not long ago. These guys paid their dues and I am glad to see guys getting a fair look as we grow older and learn to appreciate a wider scope of things in general.

Simonkenton7- Glenn has had a similar recent surge in respect for his playing. The lyrics on that song recently became more 'aware' to me- really poetic and masterful. Thanks for putting them out there- nice to see others appreciating great verse. You have probably seen the video of several notable musicians hanging out and Glen starts playing Gentle on my mind- the grins on all those near show the admiration they have for hi especially his little solo in the middle. How can one not enjoy that? Never really paid attention to Galveston until recently explained - grateful for the new found appreciation.

Jag- well yeah ...Dems making money of other people's misery. Not sure Johnson started that trend but holy hell have they perfected it.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius