
Its always a curiousity to me. Europe encompasses a bunch of countiries, some with major gun or constittutional restrictions, yet its almost an internet law that no American ever posts in derogatory fashion on a European countries sub forum about their gun laws or general freedoms etc.

Conversely, in 20 years of gun forums, its also an Internet law that the countries of Australia and NZ, often much less restrictive than countries like the UK etc, will have at least 3 angry Americans attack us about our lack of freedoms per week!

I have always wondered why that is. I have even seen Asian sub forums avoid all hassles from yanks... which boggles the mind when you think about it.

My theory is it comes down to geographical knowledge. Americans know where Australia is- thanks to crocodile dundee and Steve Irwin. laugh Europe and Asia could be some other planet or a county in Masachussets for all they know laugh