I think a lot of Yanks think Europe is too far gone, like NY or CA. We "hear" of the laws in the UK and think that Romania and Finland are similar - nothing could be further from the truth. We also feel that Oz/NZ has a chance to stop them before the laws are similar to UK. That's why we give Aussies and Kiwis a hard time about losing ground.

When I was in London, in the '90's, I went into a gun shop to look around. Not seeing any, I asked about handguns. The shop owner/employee said "No handguns, they are only good for killing people". With that mindset within your industry, it is hard to believe the the gun laws in the UK will ever lean toward freedom.
Likewise when I was in Athens, I went into a shop, the owner/employee asked where I was from. I stated America. He said show me your passport and you can buy anything I have. I looked at the rack and tried to figure out how I could get the AK and MP-5 back home w/o going thru customs. I'm sure I could figure a way out now, but when I was 26, I wasn't as crafty!!

Some is Good---More is Better----Too Much is Just Right