Originally Posted by hillestadj
Just fun little diversions from the Vax coercion is bad (no sh.it), country is fugged up (no sh.it), inflation sucks (no sh.it), Biden is a demented old fugg (no sh.it), BLM/ANTIFA are twats (no sh.it), Australia is Australia (no sh.it), election was stolen (no sh.it), 77 year olds have mostly outlived relevancy (no sh.it) recycled on a loop threads.

Well said. Only thing I might add is the amusing dialog of the Christians hurling slings and arrows in the form of obscure scripture quotes at each other. The Shia and Sunni got nuthin' on the Bible belters when they get their blood up. (no sh.it)

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.