Originally Posted by tzone
Originally Posted by reivertom
I can't think of anything more useless in Kentucky, but I still want one!


I had to run up to Louisville for a Dr. appt. this morning, I sure AF could have used it.

As I was headed north, I saw the south lanes all clogged up and there were probably 25 cars off in the median or off the side of the road. Apparently someone forgot how to drive in inclement weather, there were cars everyflippin'where. No problems in the northbound lanes until I got into town. I'd left an hour early, and only just got to my Dr. appt., and I had to cancel another appt. across the city, as I just didn't want to fight the traffic. I flipped on the radio and found out that I-65 southbound was still closed, so I took an alternate route down 31W, where everyone else was detoured, apparently). It was also a mess, due to all the traffic and traffic lights, but I finally made it home after an hour and 45 minute drive that should have been 50 minutes at most. Damned Dodge minivans apparently can't go over 30mph in snow, and I was stuck behind several of the cursed things.

BTW, beautiful work, DAVE!

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.