Originally Posted by saddlesore
Windex works better than plain water.How humid and what is a couple of days 2-5-10?.

If you have everything to load it, you should have enough to clean it.There are small kits you can buy that has a bullet pusher, a patch jag,a bullet puller and a mop. All you need is some thing to clean the breech plug, , breech plug wrench,and anti-seeze compound for the breech plug.
ch plug

Personally I would clean it the day you shoot it. If you are using tight fitting bullets/sabots, with 777, that 2nd shot can be tough getting seated.

But I am paranoid . I guess if I were hunting close to home I wouldn't worry,. If I were traveling I would be more critical about it

This. If you can load it then you only need a cleaner of some sort and patches. Only 2 extra items to pack and in my opinion it's really only 1 extra item, as I usually run a patch down the bore before loading anyway to make sure there is no oil or moisture in the bore.

The last time that bear ate a lawyer he had the runs for 33 days!