Originally Posted by Leanwolf
They're just getting started. Every single movie and teevee show will be pounded full of politically correct "wokeness" and overwhelming diversity. Take a look at the "inside" of Hollywood and how movies and shows are written, cast, produced, and directed. You'll understand why the shows and movies you like are being destroyed.

Interesting article about an industry I really know nothing about. This diversity push in every industry (including mine) is going to end up going the way of the Dodo in time. You're seeing the first wave of it now as Asians are suing over race based diversity quotas in state universities. There is no justification for those types of quotas and I think the author is right, this will end up in a giant class-action lawsuit.

Hollywood should be in the business of making good stories but alas, these days it just wants to lecture us for the most part. We enjoy going to the movies but the last one we saw was Ford vs. Ferrari in 2019 and it was spectacular and since there has been nothing else that really has grabbed us.

If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated