Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
We take a strike vote BEFORE every contract negotiation.

It's like earnest money in a financial deal.

Just shows sincerity.

After negotiating, the officers bring us a proposal to vote on.
If we turn it down, they go back to the table and try to address the concerns.
There hasn't been a strike there in over 30 years, and won't be this fall
at the end of the current contract. The guys live beyond their means, can't
afford to lose a weeks pay, and have no balls. It's a shame, and a disgrace to
those who fought to get good wages.

They will offer 3% raises per year, if we are lucky.
Inflation is 7%, and our insurance will go up while coverage falls.
And they will cower and let their lifestyle fall further.

But it won't matter as long as the bank keeps approvingloans for toys,
And Visa pays for vacations.

We did the same this summer. Vote to authorize a strike. Overwhelming aporoval. Contract ended Oct 1. Working under existing contract. Seeking increase in retirement, 3.5% wage + match in COLA. Increase in vacation for new hires. Keep existing insurance package. Increase in short term disability wages.

Company proposed decreases across the board. Gonna be interesting to say the least. Ace up our sleeve, gov needs product. We will strike. And they know it. Contract will be ratified by April or schits gonna hit the fan.