Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Y’all are scared. Trumpism was all about FEAR. Fear of change, fear of people different than you, Fear of replacement. Fear of being out-hustled.

Buck up, troopers. You’ll be fine. Or start the damn race war already.

It’s actually amazing to see someone so disconnected from reality. You’d literally have had to to try to not be successful during the Trump term to not realize how great of an economy we had. Literally overnight too. The minute the masses realized we’d finally broken the stagnation that was the Obama economic policy, and American exceptionalism was lifted up again, the economy roared. We were actually bringing jobs and manufacturing back home and people were proud to be American. Not much to be proud about now.
Im truly doubtful that the country can survive 4 years of Biden fumbling and stumbling through his responsibilities.
Looks like Russia will take Ukraine, and once that happens the dominoes will fall. The next 3 years will see the biggest reallocation of land since the Potsdam conference.