]In seriousness, this is a silly thing to worry about. Us white folk got what, 75 years of advertisements pretending minorities didn’t even exist or worse, propagating stereotypes like the Frito Bandito? Things change. The demographics of America are changing, as are attitudes, and advertisers are advertising to the demo’s they think will be buyin’ what they are sellin’ in ways that they think will speak to them. The evidence would indicate that the Grumpy Old White Man demographic isn’t their highest priority anymore.

Change happens, always has. We grumpy old white people can at least be gracious about it, considering we spent most of our lives with the world revolving around us. crazy

The people running the world are still the same grumpy old men though. They never lost power and they never share it. They are stirring up fights to keep their natural enemy the middle class at each others throats.

They get us into invasions, then wars, the civil rights movements and a decade or two after that they tell us to hang our heads in shame over all the terrible things 'we'did. LOL

Anything funded at that level isnt a silly thing to worry about. Its a root cause of a lot of the worlds ills.