Originally Posted by 19352012
Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by Riverc
Do the meatloaf and let us know if you liked it, I wouldn't let it get that old, if it's not freezer burned it might ok.

I have SIX freezers

Things can get lost under a few dozen Boston Butts

Like Milhouse, I fear to watch yet I cannot turn away. Why do you have 6 freezers?


We raise big garden, freeze lots of stuff, that which we don’t can up in jars. Corn, okra, some stewed tomatoes, kale, turnip greens
We bbq often, butts, shoulders,
Catch meat on sale, whole ribeyes, hams after Easter, turkeys after Thanksgiving
Catch chickens on sale, buy 20-30 of em
Catch boston butts on sale buy 20-30 of em
Catch whole porkloin .99cent a lb, buy a dozen

Have one freezer mostly farm, foodplot and garden seed we catch on sale for 90% off from farmers Co-Op

multiple deer randomly distributed in a couple of freezers

I catch ground beef on sale $2-3 a lb and get 30-40 lbs, sit for several hours patty pressing and wax paper leaving hamburger patties, bag them up 4-6 at a time. Got probably a couple hundred.
We have big college parties out here, all my kids are college aged and we’re the party place,

Multiple grills, smokers, smokehouse, whole hog pit bbq, outdoor kitchen.

THEN ya know you to have your one freezer for Red Baron pizzas, tater tots, Asian medly stir fry, Green Giant steamers

Plus your dinky freezer boxes on my two refridgerators. For ice cream, bar S dogs, frozen OJ,

Always need extra space for an ice cream cake that randomly shows up,
Wife makes occasional wedding and event cakes for family and church, need some freezer space for preplanning multi layer cake forms and such