Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Fubarski
Politician that put out that bullshit don't care if anybody *really* rations anything.

It's just part of the propaganda scare stories, ta make people think the cold and flu season is really serious.

"If the stores are rationing, covid must still be bad". An extension of the "cases!" hysteria.

And covtards are dumb enough ta believe it.

The sign, is just a sign that .gov suppression/unConstitutional abuses of power, are gonna continue/increase.

Yep. Oreilly said on Hannity radio the other day the supply chain shortage is due to the Covid.


The "cause" will change soon enough...

The war in Ukraine will superseded the Rona in less than a week...

I played a lot of "Pin The Tail On the Donkey" when I was very drunk in college. I learned chit.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.