Originally Posted by jaguartx
Here you are, dumbass, as if you are worth or deserve the time to find it, what with your MSM and Social Media puppetmasters blocking it. Ha. You thought you were making hay with your challenge.

Beyond the long-term totalitarian existential threats, Malone discussed the psychological damage being wrought on our children today through the lockdowns. Malone warned, "The damage here is going to be with us for generations…This is deep, profound stuff. It's way beyond myocarditis. And no one seems to care." See mark 11:00.


You failed to provide primary resources to back up your claims. Find me a primary source. You provided a secondary source, ie: "what somebody else somebody else said." Here's some clues for you:

1. He was not the "inventor of mRNA vaccines".

2. The fragment of a quote is not what you stated...per your own admission above speaking about lock-downs. Not the topic you presented.

3. To complete the thought, with primary source (the transcript):

JR: Before we wrap this up why is the vaccine uniquely dangerous to children?
RM: Good question. I'm not complete so the data here's the problem with the myocarditis bias in
uh children in uh the data set, particularly boys okay. One of the things there is clearly an
androgen component to the risk of both the vaccine and the disease of the the virus and that's
why anti-androgens, by the way Pierre Kory shout out to him for a champion of anti-androgens
being added to his math plus protocol, okay particularly for men. Um so why are boys, there
there's probably a component of that that has to do with um an artifact in the data, that being
that when us old codgers in general as a population have a much higher risk of cardiac events
and so if there's a heart attack in one of us it's really hard to say is it just because we're old, um
or is it vaccine-related okay so then the vaccine if there are vaccine-related events buried in that
we're not going to see them statistically, it's really hard to pull it out whereas kids don't have
heart attacks and they don't have strokes so you can see those things really clearly against the
background of virtually nothing. So that's it may be partially an artifact of reporting and bias
because of confounding variables and it may be their other effects.

In other words, he admits he does not know.