27 with bright sun, ground is hard enough I can drive on it with the 4X4 CUT and not tare it up. Once upon a time I thought I'd like have a Diner. I would call it "Joe's Way Cafe". Only serve my special dishes. The rule around our house is anything in the fridge for 3 days, is fair game. One time I was looking for something for lunch, kind of wanted a hot dog. Ratz, we only had 1. Then I saw a bowl with a little, left over scoop, of Cream Chipped Beef, yeah. Hot Dog with Cream Chipped Beef is on the menu at Joe's. Every year at the beach I serve my family famous 2,3,4 Omelets. Meat from two Crabs, 3 eggs, and 4 cheeses. Never had one turned down. I usually don't eat breakfast, but today I was hungry. Was leaning toward a 3 egg omelet, but didn't feel like chopping onions and peppers. Looked in the fridge and there was a big container of my son's Birth Day dinner from last night, Chile. Chile has chopped onions and peppers in it. Now, Mexican Omelets are on the menu at Joe's.

I'm not greedy, I just want one of each.

Remember Ira Hayes
