A Coltsman Sako for $350 in the 90's.
A Sako in 223, same.

A S&W M-15 about 2007 for $125.
PD trade, it had been then stolen and used in a home invasion in Baltimore.
The returned to the LGS it was stolen from. Scratched a bit, wore,
perfect mechanical, bore. A user's dream. Stupid.

The biggest mistake investment wise though.

Remember those crates of SKs, and AKs at the shows in the late 80s
early 90s? I was buying the occasional nice user Sako for $500.
That would have bought a case of Skis. Or several AKs.
The spam can cases of ammo for them? Can't remember, but it was cheap.

If my Sako money would have been spent on that "junk", I could trade them
for a lot more SAKOs today.

In the Hell
Would have ever imagined that!

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!