Discovered some flaws on a recent hog trip. Ruger American in .22mag. Got busted by some pigs while sneaking thru the woods. After multiple attempts to get the plastic stock to stop sliding against the plastic buckle on my backpack, I finally got the rifle up and on target. I squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze the trigger and nothing happens. By the time I unphucked the situation I realized the bolt had risen slightly. Got the gun into battery but the pigs were in the thick stuff. The gun is cheap, accurate and fun but failed the real world test. Sending it down the road. Looking for a non full size, .22mag with a bolt lock and reasonably accurate rifle (threaded would be nice but not required) (flush mag is preferred, if possible) What’s out there? Personal experience of the positives and negatives of said gun....not something you read about. Thanks