How come everyone is depending on truckers?

This started over mandates for truckers, everyone benefits from
the fight. It's is one with very wide implications.

I suggest across the board stay at home days.
Shut the economy down.
Police, fire, healthcare need to work. We arent sacrificing people yet.
No production, no consumption.

Diesel wants to block the roads with trucks.
1/2 a good idea.
Little hint, cars can block traffic just as effectively!

I've posted this before.
Never any interest.


So many want to support these truckers.

We have a convoy coming in the US shortly.
Canadians, NOW!

Live near a good sized city.
Is traffic on the through roads there a problem? Rush hour?

Call a few like minded buddies, schedule a meeting point.
Early rush hour time.
Drive 45mph, blocking all lanes. Pass each other, sllooooowwly.
Go eat breakfast on the other side of town.
Drive home, same way.

Got buddies on the other side of town.
Get them to do the same.
You can pfuggg things up good.

Right now, it's about pushing buttons, making a stand and getting

Learn from how our enemies have campaigned for decades.

Things are progressing in Ottawa.
Plan A was to get it easy.
The government capitulated.
Didn't happen. They raised the stakes.

Plan B is much tougher.
It requires fortitude. Risk. Sacrifice.
Some who stand, are going to suffer.

We need to push buttons.
And respond to their attempts to back us down.
By meeting their tactics with more resistance.

Get your money out of the banks.
Drain the ATMs.
They have made money the new front.
Fine, cause a run on the banks and crash the economy.
This isn't chicken crap time. It's man up time.
We are in a fight, and this is our last/best fight.

Lose this one, and the future will be bleak.
Or violent.
And don't get twitterpated on violent.
Armed revolutions are rarely successful, quick, clean.
Nothing like 1776, eventually turned out.
After only 8 years.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!