Some background:

Mrs Vaught has played a very big roll in getting conservative members elected to local & state offices[ town councils & state delegates] over the past year.
She also formed the local group for Montgomery County's 2nd A/constitutional carry.
She has shown much tenacity over the past 3 years

Jamie Bond has been a thorn in the school board for many years[she is the member that wore a lace mask to multiple meetings basically inviting the 'Karens' to show their crazy'

Dana Parton is a relatively new member and is the wife of our sheriff[Hank Parton, very conservative].

Like much of the country, Montgomery Co is very divided. 30 years back we were just a sleepy little Appalachian county but as Virginia Tech grew from 8-10K students to the current 35K + everything here changed and the school basically dominates everything.