Her ability (or lack of it) is on no importance.

You see, she is (and has been for 20 years) the puppet of Hillary Clinton. That's the plan (and has been since 2018) To install Obama back in power through his puppet Biden and the agreement was to use Biden up, and then let Hillary have her turn with her puppet Harris. All, is going Exactly AS IT WAS PLANNED.

The loosers are the people of the united States. They are still in belief that what they are told by the government through the controlled media has some truth in it. Despite the FACT that 100% of the stories are lies to some degree. (right down to the weather channels now with their "global warming/Climate Change lie)

So now we hear the TV and Media-watchers say "wait until the mid-terms'. Well here are 2 facts you need to chew on.

#1 Trump won by a LOT! How well did that defeat the communists? Do you think there next election (using all the same machines, software and the same people running them) will be honest?

#2 About 75% of all "Republicans" are in fact communist themselves, and 100% of all Democrats. So with a "landslide of Republicans" in all offices you'll still have a voting majority of Communists in all your positions of law making and law enforcement. So what difference does "voting' make today?

Only 2 things can make a difference now.
A. War
B. Tax boycott.

There is no #3.

Will either one happen on an organized basis?
No. Neither the stupid or the cowardly can remain free very long. Nature hates a vacuum as it's said.

So if you keep do paying for communism and if you won't fight, ---- give up ------- and quit whining.

Is that abrasive?
Sure............Truth usually is!

Truth only offends those that hate the truth.

(Re-read the 1st three words of the Constitution for the united States to see who's duty it is to be and remain free)

Look here>>> See what the communists are doing as of last night with the money YOU gave and now are supposed to give them in the coming years. >>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=3143348245880877

1.5 Trillion dollars the communist want YOU and YOUIR KIDS to pay for.