I want to thank all that participated here. And special thanks to those that actually contacted their representatives and tried to move these RINOS in order to permit us “peons” in having out rights back, by having Constitutional Carry in Florida.

I suggest we primary each and every Republican in the Florida Legislature (House and Senate). I don’t care if the representative is supposed to be a good guy, if this is the way you think then where were they supporting bill HB103? This had to be withdrawn because our “betters” were more than happy to receive: Soros, Blumberg, Disney , etc monies. They also were more than happy in 2018, to pass the Parkland shooting laws under Gov. Rick Scott and the RHINO Republicans in the Florida legislature; it wasn’t the Democrats that did it.

Until we put the fear of us in them, they will continue to drop our petitions in the trash. Because they think us to be nothing more than trash ourselves. If we continue to vote for these people we deserve everything they do to us.

Again thank you for your effort.