Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by Higginez
Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by Higginez
It’s ok if CCCC doesn’t get it. Too many years in college trying to make music into a math equation when you play the Flugelhorn will do that to ya! Hold into the treble clef!

You can do the evasive "ha", nope" and "lmfao" all you wish (kinda like Kamala cackling), and like most who get caught without evidence, you resort to snide ad hominem attacks - but your hole gets deeper.

Why not provide us with some musical theory analytical evidence of the evolution of Coltrane's improvisational journey and growth - why not provide some of your analysis of his uses of germ motive and thematic invention over a given harmonic structure, or cite the practice materials he used to develop his fingering technique and articulation?

Then, do the same using your knowledge of Hendrix. Do you have such skill and knowledge - because folks who study such performers do.

My original comment on your post is based on such comparisons. What you posted above causes you to come across as a phony dilettante who has definite preferences and opinions (which is just fine) but no substance to support them. Does the above sound like a flugelhorn?

The beauty of music is that you don't have to know anything about it to make it, which has a tendency to piss off a classically trained theory snob such as yourself.

My understanding of music theory has nothing to do with my statement and you know it, yet here you are using big university words and comparing me to Kamala Harris. WTF?

Since when is creativity defined to bars on a sheet of paper? Is that like crayon books and paint by number?
Wonder how Leonardo, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Matisse, Renoir, Boticelli would ponder of that.

Read it again - my post said nothing about a sheet of paper - musical creativity begins in the mind and is made manifest to others ears in performance and also in written form, for those who know how to read. The more highly developed the musical skills, knowledge and understanding, and refinement of one's ear, the more one is able to discern and discriminate among types of music artists.

You are correct - many others, including me, have been able to make music without knowing much of anything about it. But even with such naive enjoyment, some choose to study, and practice and dig deeper into the art. I know someone who got started as a stupid kid picking at a keyboard and pursued such development for more than 70 years. Your post seems to paint such striving and development as some sort of detriment.

You know absolutely nothing about my musical training, performance and preferences - which have extended to all forms of the art - but you are so ignorant and defensive as to call one a "classically trained theory snob " and pretend that I am pissed. Rarely if ever do I become pissed - but at times I am tempted to expose a defensive pretender..

You are compared with Kamala because your little snide reactions and inanities here smack of the same stuff as her ridiculous cackle when confronted with something beyond her ken. Do you still feel like pretending to understand something you do not?

Didn't attack you, dude. But, since you decided to be a total ignorant dick..

You sure used a lot of words to prove your ignorant, pompous fugkery.

It's his calling card.

Epstein didn't kill himself.

"Play Cinnamon Girl you Sonuvabitch!"

Biden didn't win the election.