Originally Posted by Raeford
I don't disagree with you and I do have the tiniest bit of education on how those markets work.

I also find it odd that the moment 'oil' rises[futures], gas goes right up along with it[instantly].

This also 'should' work in reverse[in averages], right?
Was the gas that is in the tank at the station made from the oil that hasn't made it to a refinery yet?
If not, why did it go up?

Locally we had stations going UP near 10% daily 2 weeks back.
This week I have seen where one station has dropped .05. That's it.

The increase rate never mirrors the decrease rate.
Too many Benjamins to be made each way....

Thats the bottom line.
X amount already paid beforehand at low price
Jack up the price based on current market rate as fast as you can

If pre purchased x amount gets you thru increase and into decline in market value
Drop price as slow as possible to max profits.

If buying x amount of futures during price increase
Stretch out decrease in price even longer.
