I intend to write Newsom a note apprising him of the abuses going with these old guys and their reloading outfits, doing an end run around ammo purchase restrictions. Particularly the crazies carrying concealed Lee Loaders. The Calif legislature so far has failed to address the level of crime perpetrated by flintlocks and caplocks as well, not to mention Black Bart's 1851 Navy, 29 stages fell to Black Bart. "I've labored long for bread... for honor and for riches...but upon my corns for too long you've tread... you fine haired sons of bitches." (Black Bart's note to Wells Fargo investigators) This is California's reduced sentencing, he only got 6 years...but then he always said ''please''....and he never shot anybody.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.