Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by tjm10025
- AND - this is a particular problem in Utah, although he hasn't yet told me why Utah.

Wouldn't be in the Unita Basin south of Ballard, UT would it?

I first noticed trouble around Bryan Head, UT, and then between Vegas, Great Basin Range National Monument and Great Basin NP.

One day, in the National Monument, for lack of any other ideas, I put the iPad and the iPhone in Airplane Mode. It seemed counterintuitive, since I was well outside of any cell phone tower and I wouldn't have been getting any signals to interfere with anything. I also turned off Wi-Fi. Ditto, no signals anyway. (They were plugged into the dash, so I wasn't concerned about battery usage.)

And both devices settled down. Why, I don't know. They're working okay with Gaia now, as long as I turn off both of those functions first.

My Google and YouTube searches had not turned this up as a possible solution.