The dates are set September 9, 10 & 11. The weekend after Labor Day.

Summary is below.
Additional details to follow.
Please use this thread to express your interest/attendance, table(s) req'd and PM me any further questions.

The previous Fests held here have been successes on all fronts, excellent turn out and participation of Savage Collector Forum members, enough Savage rifles, pistols, shotguns & memorabilia to boggle the mind and I didn’t break the bank putting it together.
We’ve had great regional turn outs including Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan & Wisconsin, plus Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio, Carolina, California, Wyoming, Hawaii, Tennessee and I may have missed some.

I’ll book the same venue and hotel as before.
I’ll provide enough tables for all and security for Friday and Saturday nights.
Setup will be Friday morning early followed by kickoff of Savage Fest.
Saturday will be Savage Fest all day including some raffle prizes which we donate and a team photo.
Sunday morning early will be tear down.
I’ll organize meals for all days and as before many have brought food, snacks, soda, etc. and pitched in where they could.
A few volunteers for setting up, tearing down, meal prep and other things will be worked out by then.
Friday & Saturday evenings we'll shoot the breeze.

All Savage Collector Forum members, spouse, kids are welcome. Forum members can bring guests as before as well.
I require a PM to assemble a guest list and get a head count. No walk-ins will be allowed.

This a not for profit event with no admission fee. I’ve relied on donations from attendees to help cover costs and have not been disappointed.
PM me any questions or areas where you may volunteer or help.
If interested and/or think you can make it, feel free to chime in and we’ll make it happen.

As before, I'll reserve table space for any day trippers that bring goods for display also.

"Every day above ground is a good day."