Originally Posted by Jim1611
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
I'm pro life, but damn glad that abortion is legal and available. Black and or welfare babies make up the majority of abortions in the US of A. We already have big problems now in this country. And if it wasn't for abortion we'd be over run with deadbeats and freeloaders and just another third world country. It's only a matter of time anyway, but why rush it?

I've seen your point expressed before and to me it's insulting and racist. But for a minute just look at it in another perspective. The children you describe, even though coming into this world in not so good of circumstances still deserve the same chance at life as you and I have had. Who's place is it to say you get a pass and can live or you don't because of who you were born to.

Now closer to home, for me. A little over 60 years ago I was likely conceived in the back seat of a car. To this day I have no idea who my dad is. While I was growing up my mom and stepdad relied on welfare because of the terrible habits they took up. To their last day on earth they were that way. That life I knew back then never was something I wanted. As I got older I worked. I never got arrested and have never used illegal drugs. I've lived what some call the American dream. I'm so thankful I got a chance at this life and to try to do my part in promoting something good and decent and to contribute something. These babies you describe may very well end up being bad people but they deserve the chance to at least try to do good. Who knows maybe one of them might find the cure for cancer or some other great feat in life or they may just grow up to be good citizens. Who are we to condemn them before they even get to try. By the way, my first president to vote for was Ronald Reagan.

I can agree with all that, and Reagan was the first POTUS that I got to vote for also. Guess I'm just a cheap, one way SOB because I don't want to support anyone. And I know I don't owe anyone anything.

Life is good live it while you can.