Originally Posted by BC30cal
Top of the morning to you my cyber friend, I hope the day's behaving itself out east for you all and you're all well.

Way back in the day when the show first aired up here so maybe 2000 or so, we were taking a break during spring branding when the rancher mentioned that he thought I'd make a decent contestant because of some of the mountain time I've spent.

My reply, certainly not verbatim Cash but more or less was that if it was a "survival" situation I'd kidnap and hold for ransom the camera equipment and likely the camera crew first in return for good food, lodging etc. My rationale was that it was the least effort for the greatest return and if we were really and truly in survival mode, that's where we'd need to be, no?

The rest of the branding crew got a good laugh and there was general agreement that it'd be best if they kept BC rednecks off of pretend TV shows.

When they filmed one in Africa I tried to watch a couple shows and got asked to leave the room when I was pointing out the inaccuracies. laugh As I have tented on the Masai Mara and had a leopard help itself to a hind quarter of kongoni that was hanging in a tree at the edge of camp, I felt the need to comment but got voted out of the TV room! wink

Anyways, it might be good entertainment or not. I do know that when the Bear Grylls show came out we started instructing students in the annual Hunter Safety Course we put on to do the exact opposite of a few things he was suggesting. I suppose there is the remote possibility folks could be misled to believe it's real? Not really sure.

All the best to you folks.


Dwayne... your stuff is a true joy on this forum.

39 degrees last night so I had to bring in my potted tomatoes.

I too have been voted out of the TV room... it is a harsh world sometimes.

I wonder in "Survivor 2023 - USA" will have camera crews to kidnap and ransom... or feed to the hogs?

Be well my ^ Medicine Line friend... Leonard

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.