In his early days on Fox, Williams would often present sound counterpoints to the conservative side that was thoughtful and required serious thoughtful comeback from the conservatives. I had the impression that he really considered both sides of the discussion. Not always, but often enough. I remember a few times when my thought was, "Dang, he won that one". Not saying he was right, just that he presented his side more convincingly.

Then, when he was fired from NPR because he wasn't leftist and/or 'woke' enough, he became the Fox token leftist and seemed to take on that role with full conviction. He went from serious conversation to nothing but quoting Democrat talking points. I often wondered if that was what Fox required of him. He is now nothing but a caricature.

I personally prefer hearing both sides of issues discussed nose to nose instead of a barrage of one side's opinion, no matter which side that is!