My Black Diamond Icon has seen better days. It is heavy, expensive, bulky and generally not a svelte package. But it do light up the woods. I normally default to alot of lumens when I'm coming out in the pitch black. I've never wished for less lumens in the black timber on a dark night. I like to see what I'm tripping on eek

Which brings me to the Zebralight, the H600w in particular. It is lighter weight than the Icon, has more lumens, and seemingly useful lumens. It does cost a bit more than the Icon when you consider the goofy batteries, and a spare. It also has a few too many lighting modes for my tastes but Ill figure it out. I'm cool with the all-in price if it is as good as it seems.

Anyone have one? Use it in black timber? Concerns?


Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.