Originally Posted by plumbum
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Should Christians respect other religions?

This isn't a question as to whether or not believers should have compassion on the lost. It's a question about the various religions that are contrary to the God of the Bible.


Well what did Jesus say and do about them?

He was kind to the Samaritan woman, despite their religious differences.

I have an idea 💡 let's act as he did.

He also told us to love one another as we would be loved. How do you want others to treat you and your religion?

We are told not to be idolators, but He did not waste time "disrespecting" them so why would you?

And that is a common theme in this thread, what is underlying your inquiry?

I suspect you are looking for heavenly permission to be a self-rigjteous jerk. Lots of Christians have done so, you will not be the first by a long shot.

Every person you dissuade from Christianity is a disservice to our Lord.

Great post!