Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Democrats were only ever anti-war when the purpose of the war in question was to contain communism. When the purpose of the war is to spread globohomo, they are all for it.

Only if it wasn't their brand of Communism.Remember that several of Obama's sycophants heralded Mao as a great leader.Most members of the Demonrat/Commie/homo/pedo Party believe that Che was a hero.

They certainly have bought into the globohomo method of destroying the morality of any nation.Destroy a nations Christian underpinnings with the globohomo agenda and you'll eventually control that nation.

Our Founding Fathers knew this and their statement reflected this belief.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.
