Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Hopefully another great big bunch of refugees will be imported by the Lutherans on behalf of big business.
Minnesota strong.

Fugking imbeciles.

Send my sweet kisses to Omar in the land of 10,000 George Floyds
St. George was a fat bastard. Aren’t Somalis the “skinnies” that grabbed the Maersk Alabama?
Yes they're the 'skinnies' and most of them are 6'6"+ it seems like. Black as coal, dumber than schit.

I think the Somalis are “skinny”, but lighter skinned. The really tall, really dark (and skinny) Africans are South Sudanese (Dinka tribe?)

The US acts like an empire. We go where we want, when we want, with or without invitation. And we stay even when we are asked to leave. It is like the Roman Empire all over again. Why are we still in Syria and Iraq when both countries have asked us to leave? The only possibly agreeable explanation I can see is that we need to position for a war with Iran. We did our thing in Iraq and Syria. Why are we still there? Get the hell out. Americans don’t want to be an empire, but that is where our elites lead us.

I am not 7th Day Adventist, and I will get this wrong, but they believe that the US is one of the beasts (2nd?) in Revelation. And the more I see what we do, the more I agree. We think we are spreading freedom and democracy. But are we? Or are we spreading a NWO that precedes the Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast, that spreads its immorality and filth around the world. Remember the [bleep] flag flying on our Afghanistan Embassy? We may find the the left of our politics repulsive and revolting, an evil we strive against. But when that is the doctrine of the empire, being forced on other people across the world, the US becomes truly evil.