Originally Posted by JeffA
What was your job on the Optimus?

Started as a processor... then some deckhand work.

13-14 men (dedicated Captain, engineer, cook... 4 deckhands... rest were processors... if deckhand got lame a day they would grab a big processor fella and show him the topside). 24 hour a day operation. I was big and dumb so they picked me alot.

Deckhand and cook on the Vonnie Marie. Being a cook is kinda easy... make a chit ton of steak and potatoes... and buckets of ketchup.

5 man crew (Capt and 4 crew)... BRUTAL work. Black Cod (Sablefish)... auto baiter and Marco windlass.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.