I sincerely hope you consulted with your lawyer before pasting this, although I doubt it. This isn’t Facebook drama, you are giving the prosecutors wayyyy too much data and a peak inside your mind. You handed them a very effective argument “should have shot him” to use against you in a criminal case and any future attempt you make to have your firearms rights restored.

Not for nothing, what kind of liability do you think would be attached to shooting at a moving vehicle, maybe rendering that driver incapacitated, and turning his car into a move uncontrolled weapon. While I have the benefit of hindsight, I would say get your phone out somehow and call 911. Pull over on the shoulder if you have too, those are safer options than shooting the driver of a car.

What ever you do, stop posting this on any public forum. Talk to your lawyer. If he’s ok with you posting, he’s a dim wit, get another lawyer.