Hanco: Hope you enjoy your weekend.
I changed my plans around a bit as weather and priorities have changed a bit.
Yesterday Friday (start of MY weekend) I got up real early and traveled to a distant gunshop and did fair while there, then had a cool country breakfast, then headed out for a Friday 1:00 PM opening gunshow - did real well there. Then tried to make it back home in time for the 4:00 PM premier opening of the Top Gun II movie. Didn't make the 4:00 PM show so went and had a dandy Montana Steak dinner by myself (VarmintWife is out on the coast). Then I did hit the 6:45 PM showing - it was great - I thought, very entertaining with only a few awkward or "stiff" spots early on in the 2 hour and 17 minute movie. Audience cheered at the conclusion! ONE... twenty second scene made the $6.50 admission (no ticket taxes in Montana!) well worth seeing it - let alone the rest of the movie.
Then this morning I returned to the gunshow and was first in the door again. Got the deal of the day there buying 150 rounds of factory Hornady 17 Hornet 20 grain V-Max ammo for $90.00!
Raining now so no Varminting today.
Friends invited me for dinner tonight so need to go buy a bottle of wine.
Tomorrow (Sunday) is set aside for Varminting as I have a line on a Badger - even if it is raining I will get after him and some wet Ground Squirrels.
Then Monday I will do the Memorial Day Parade in town after a brunch with friends.
Then late Monday I will do housework (vacuum, make the bed, pick up the house and wash dishes) before the VarmintWife gets home on Tuesday!
Happy memorial Day Weekend to all the CampFirers.
Hold into the wind