Too many questions and not enough answers. The kid apparently had never owned a weapon before. I suppose out of 100 rounds fired the body count is low but still?? The propped open door? who? Why? Was it someone outside smoking? If so why didn't the shooter get challenged? Keystone cops. officer in charge makes the opposite call and everyone follows blindly for an hour while the kids are being systematically murdered?

I can understand possibly the home town cop that's never fired his pistol at anyone being out of the loop but jeez DPS and other agency types were on scene. There really needs to be some people pay a price for this. That should go on up the line. The poor kids paid the ultimate price for a lot of people's stupidity. I feel awful for those poor parents that'll never see their kids again and those kids that had to endure what must've been the worst horror anyone could imagine.

It's happened before and it will happen again, it's just a matter of where and when. Could be worse could be better but with today's lack of responsibility and victim mentality it is becoming more frequent. Being bullied by other students doesn't make sense. The sad fact is too many kids are raised by someone other than their parents. Too many adults cannot or will not take responsibility for their children. Hollywood glorifies murder and mayhem; all the gory details. Our government officials especially democrats make everyone a victim and make excuses for bad behavior. It's ok for antifa to murder innocents but when one of them gets burnt it's hell to pay. Instead of gun control we need government control.