Most of the cops I know, which are mostly rural and southern, aren't for more gun control.

This might come off as anti-law enforcement but it isn't meant that way. I cringe a little when the talking heads ask what police think about gun control, just as I cringed a bit when I saw the question here. My response would be that it doesn't matter, at least it doesn't matter any more than what farmer john or preacher jim thinks about it. They don't get to veto our God given rights. It irks me to see some large city police chief on TV lecturing us about the need to restrict our rights like he's some kind of medieval lord. He's a public servant, he works for us, not the other way around. In the same vein I get testy when teachers lobby for property tax increases because schools need more money. Has their ever been a time when schools didn't want more money? I've never seen it. I pay the taxes and I'll vote for or against a property tax hike based upon my perception of the merits. What a teacher thinks doesn't matter nearly as much as what I think.