Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by Yoder409
Originally Posted by New_2_99s
What used to be 6' deep, will now be 12' deep.

The fish will not be, where they usually are, for this time of year.

That's hard to wrap my head around !!! The lakes we fish on the English River system (north of Ignace) would be back into the woods quite a ways in places. I've never been there before the 2nd week of June. So I've never seen it like that.

Fished the English river system many years great fishery!

It was quite something back in the 60’s and early 70’s before the pollution event. A guy named Lamm if I recall had a 5 star operation on the English just up from grassy narrows. Incredible all the Hollywood and worldly known people that were flown in there to fish.


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.