Originally Posted by BulletBud
I’m planning a trip to Namibia in July 2022 and the cheapest airfares by far are on Ethiopian Airlines.

i had an international career for 29 years, and still have an international marriage, mostly in asia, but also in the mideast, caribbean, africa. i just returned from 3 months in southeast asia and will make two separate long trips to asia and the mideast before october.

don’t cheap out on shoes, tires, mattresses and anything that puts your life into someone else’s hands. anyone who is spending serious coin on a hunting trip to africa shouldn’t cheap out on a guide or an airline.

spend some of this trip’s coin on a decent airline transiting a decent airport in a decent seat, or don’t go. decent seat means premium economy at least. deep vein thrombosis is no picnic, i’ve had it, but in the u.s. where i received fast and competent medical care. if you get dvt while flying in the third world it may well be lights out. decent airline and decent transit point leaves out anything ethiopian or cut-rate. good cabin service is a relief, but good flight deck and maintenance crews are non-negotiable.