BuckHaggar: I tend to agree with you and your contention regarding mr. piglosi.
To much downside to a simple D.W.I. charge being somehow "dropped" - even the heaviest of possible fines would NOT even cause mr. piglosi to blink come court finding time.
The corrupt entity known now as mr. piglosi has so much ill gotten monies that he will be snickering when he pays his fine!
He may have to hire a chauffeur for a couple of months but again he could not give a rats ass less about that either.
I would be EXTREMELY surprised if charges are not brought to court in this incident - mr. piglosi again is snickering to hisself over this hub-bub!
He is thinking to hisself WGAF?
He will more than likely just ramp up his insider trading a notch to pay for this VERY minor inconvenience.
Hold into the wind