For crows I don't think you'll get more than one shot off before the others bug out, that sounds like a break barrel rifle to me.

If I had nothing and was only buying one.... I think a gas ram 22 would be first on MY list.

I like a bit more speed and don't mind a bit more recoil but that means it'll be harder on scopes so more scope expense.

I really like .20 cal but there's a shrinking number of pellets so be aware and stock up if you get a 20.

Dan and a lot of other folks do well with good 177 pellets properly placed so that's another way to get it done!

The balancing act between velocity, recoil, momentum, trajectory, wind drift, shoot-ability and cost/value makes airgunning a unique challenge.

A PCP solves some of those things but needs a pump or compressor. Buy Once Cry Once?

It's great fun and if you don't cover all bases with one rifle... you could always get a second!! grin

Let us know what you decide, It might help others decide.

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen